Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Add a Caption


diane said...

Here's mine:
I'm not sitting any closer to this guy, just snap the picture.

mo.stoneskin said...

Mummy told me to stay away from strangers. So why the hell does she want me sitting next to this freak?

Anonymous said...

'Smile? Ye gods. This is going to cost me an arm and a leg for therapy.'

TMFA said...

haha nice picture diana it made me smile :)

erin said...

"Where are my socks?"

diane said...

Hahaha, what a funny group of people you are! I'll do Add a Caption again, it's a keeper.

Don said...

"So...you like stripes too?

erin said...

Oh my garsh. I meant to say "Where are my shoes?"...

Socks makes no sense!

Dominica said...

Hands off, I've seen those fries first !!