Secondly, I'm really excited about how my fall decorating came out. I was envisioning a Japanese artisan scolding me for doing it all wrong as I was ironing the wax paper leaves for my bathroom window, but whatevs. Babyzilla asked me not to put up anything too scary, so I put up a cute little scarecrow guy in the garden next to Bobby Bones, who has a new spot every year. For a dead guy he sure does get around. I'm particularly fond of my little wooden decorations, I have no idea how old they are (I got them at an auction).
One of the things I love best about Halloween decorating is how my house just blends right in. Suddenly it's o.k. that the paint is peeling and the carpet is old, that stuff just adds to the appeal. It's the one time of year that I can feel totally at ease about my humble little hobbit house.
How is your fall decorating going? Are you inspired, or maybe you just want to hop a plane to London for a crack at John's contest.
I just noticed someone in my neighborhood had put some Halloween stuff up and yes, I'm feeling the peer pressure to get my house all done up.
Van, it's that time of year. Everyone I asked today had already done their decorating.
Love that song!
I have not even begun to think about fall decorations yet:) I am so not Marhta.
MM: Yea for you! I'm so happy that you knew the title was a song, and which song it was. My daughter loves to go running to that song. I love it too. Fall decorations aren't hard, I swear. Make a trip to the Dollar store.
I have Halloween decorations up 24/7 all year long here.
I'm sure you're not surprised.
Hugs and love.....
Tracey, I know it's special for you. Hugs.
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