These kids are part of a group that the locals call The Cool Punks. They really are cool kids. The guy does some kind of a performance art at festivals, it's really a lot of fun to watch him. Aren't they charming kids? I wish there were more of them around our town.
It was the perfect ending to the perfect walk on a perfect autumn day. :)
I almost forgot to mention that he reminds me of JoJo, from Horton Hears a
Who, in a really positive way.
You have some amazing photos on your blog. Thanks for sharing. Come and visit mine too, soon.
Lovely fall colors.
Also, it looks like your little one has a widow's peak. Lucky girl, I love those!
I wanna meet some cool punks.
Ellinor: I'll come visit, thanks.
Pru: Yea! It's you! How have you been? I like widow's peaks too, her mom's got one.
U.Mami: They're everywhere, all you have to do is start a conversation with one.
Kids and nature, that's happiness !
Cool punks are very cool indeed. I teach art to middle school in Memphis and I have tons of students that fit that profile. Teenagers are so much fun to work with! My days are never boring, sometimes filled with drama and moody outbursts, but always full of love and art-making.
LOVE that pic of Babyzilla ; she had grown and changed so much !! They are not babies anymore, don't you think ? Seb has changed too ; his new school does him well !
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