This fall it's all about full soft hair, cozy knits, and glamorous touches (think red lips, hair like Bette Davis, and cat's eye glasses). My sister bought me a pair of glasses just like the black ones pictured, so I've got a good start. Now it's your turn, go for it.
I'm so happy sweaters are "in" this season. There's nothing better on a cold day.
Love those sunglasses too!
Cheers, jj
I have two black turtlenecks light knit and I wear them all winter long. Jeremiah and my mom both make fun of me for it, so I should show them that photo of Marilyn!
I have a University of Colorado sweatshirt!
Chris, I really laughed when I got to your comment. :)
I'm a big sweater fan too. Not like Bill Cosby sweater tho
Van, no alpaca?
I am such a sweater girl!! Love all the sweaters this season too...but those glasses in the 3rd photo are stunning! Great post
Oh man...if I had known her...or even if I had just bumped into her...or if I had been old enough...I would have so tried to talk Marilyn out of that sweater.
Oh loving your inspiration! The mix of screen sirens and knits and wonderful eyewear has left me obsessing!
Hope you are slowly feeling better
jadedj, of course you would have. if.
Marian, thank you so much darling, that is the ultimate compliment coming from you. :)
I love the knit tights.
Marilyn Monroe went to my high school.
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