Bhutan Novices at the Dechen Phodrang monastic school in Thimphu hear the dinner bell and come running. More than 400 boys attend the academy, where a typical day of study stretches from 5 a.m. to 9:30 p.m.
That is one h*ll of a long school day, no wonder they're running to dinner. But look at their faces. They look truly happy. I bet they're learning good stuff, important things for the soul.
That's a very good point Diane. I bet they're learning good stuff too. It's a great pic.
i love that this same scene in America could only be reproduced if there were free Wii games at the bottom of the mountain
That is a stunning, wonderfully captured photo and yes they look so happy.
Wonderful inspiration
big kiss
If I got to wear a big flowy bedsheet like that all day, I'd be happy too. I mean, no zippers, no snaps, no cinched waist? Awesome.
Boys will be boys!
lovely mag to read ; I've bought FLOW magazine this week. It made me think of you .... look at this link, you'll agree ...
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