Sunday, October 17, 2010

Senior Pictures.....WTF is up with Portrait #2?


SkylersDad said...

I have seen that one floating around for awhile. I can't believe anybody would actually want to have that taken, let alone use it.

Luna Tiger said...

I love the second one with the pregnant woman and her man, it's romantic in a popular way. Make me think to the french photographers "Pierre et Gilles", do you know them ?

diane said...

Chris: I couldn't agree more.

Lady Selenite: I'll look them up, but I bet they would never do a school portrait in this fashion. It's just wrong on a few different levels.



Stephanie said...

Huh? That's a joke right?

diane said...

София, аз се чудех дали на децата в България никога няма да направи портрет като втория. Вероятно не.

Modern Mom, I don't think it's a joke. I think it's a case of bad parenting and really bad taste.

texlahoma said...

Now days they flaunt what once would be carefully hidden.

diane said...

I just have to add a caption "Yo baby, hows about you bring that fiiiine thang over my way?"
There. I feel so much better now.

Joanna Jenkins said...

Please, oh please, let that second photo be a joke.
It's just so wrong.
Oy, jj