Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Post A Comment & Word Verification

To my loyal followers and commentators: I am seriously having a problem with the Post A Comment box on some of your pages; you know who you are, because you never hear from me. This is what happens - I enter my comment in the box, select "google account" for my profile, hit "post comment", and watch the comment box go blank. Another really fun thing that happens sometimes is when the word verification box comes up without a word to verify, wtf?! I totally love your blogs, and it would be nice to stop being the frustrated mute. Can anybody out there help me?


Paul Pincus said...

it happens to the best of us ; )

love your blog!

diane said...

PP: Gee, thanks. That was a lot of help.

Vic said...

I'm not sure, but I know it happened a few months ago on my blog. I had to go back to the customization area and reset my comments preferences (something about embedding comments on the page was messing it up). I just reset it a time or two, and it seemed to fix itself.
You might want to let the specific bloggers know (because you NEED more to do...:)

Anonymous said...

I don`t know what is the problem.but it will go right..i think...xo

Anonymous said...

I hate those word varification..because sometimes..you don't get a picture of those words. I've noticed the last day or so..some blogs post don't even show. Don't know if its blog spot or my server.

& even if you get through all the steps sometiems..the comment still won't show..geese..

Hope you are having warmer weather there..windy and cold here.

Dominica said...

If this happens - just type some letters and enter and all of the sudden the word/letters you were suppose to type appears ...tata !!

Jack Daniel said...

If it goes blank...press PREVIEW first. And then...a new word will come up. :)

Jack Daniel said...

by the way, the drawing is too cute! Hahaha

diane said...

WOW, Thank You Everybody, for your ideas and support! This may sound stupid, but I am really moved. And at this moment in time, I love all of you. xo

Anonymous said...

Funny you say that, when I leave comments, like now, when I get done typing I immediately copy it in case something like that happens so I don't have to re-type it. I have no idea why it happens.

diane said...

Ann: It's funny that you say that, because I just left a heartfelt comment on your page, and it went blank. Anyway, to repeat it briefly, try reading "Start Where You Are". It's great, about releasing guilt and learning to forgive yourself. xo